
Formulasi bebas sabun dengan ph 5.5 yang cocok dan aman bagi kulit bayi dan tetap menjaga kelembaban kulit.

Fitur Produk 

  • Membangun perlindungan untuk kulit bayi yang lembut• ph 5.5
  • Bebas dari senyawa nitro-mochus compounds, formaldehyde, nitrosamines, dioxan
  • Tanpa pewarna tambahan
  • 100% Soap-free & Alkali-free
  • Ekstrak herbal chamomile yang mengatasi iritasi kulit kepala
  • Ideal untuk segala tipe kulit
  • Bebas air mata, tidak pedih jika masuk mata


  • Dapat digunakan langsung setelah bayi baru lahir
  • Telah diuji secara klinis



Soap-free formulation with the pH value of 5.5 supports the development of the baby's acid mantle and the moisture balance in the skin.

• Consolidates the resistance of baby’s delicate skin

• With the pH value of 5.5 Baby sebamed is clinically proven to promote the development

  of the acid mantle

• Free from nitro-mochus compounds, formaldehyde, nitrosamines, dioxan

• Without colour additives


Product features:

• 100% soap and alkali free

• Extra mild tenside complex for gentle cleansing action without dehydrating

• Soft controlled foaming

• Extracts of medicinal plants soothe, hydrate and protect the delicate skin against

  inflammation and irritation

• Natural moisturizing agents protect against dryness

• No tears formula doesn’t irritate the eyes



• For giving the baby a full bath

• Can be used for bathing babies after the umbilical cord has fallen off

• Use twice a week

• Dermatologically/clinically tested

Additional Info
Size200 ml

Sebamed Baby Bubble Bath Sabun Bayi / Kulit Sensitif - 200 ml

Gratis Ongkir

  • Merk: Sebamed
  • Ketersediaan: Tersedia
  • EXP / Best Before: 01/05/2026
    Berat: 0.27kg
  • Rp 190.000
  • Rp 152.000
Dijual dan dikirim oleh Babyzania






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Tags: sabun, herbal, bebas sabun sebamed, baby, bubble, bath, bayi, kulit, sensitif, 200, ibu, dan

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